Friday, May 13, 2011

Baby Layla

I love this little one!!  She is going to be 1 in June and is just adorable!!  Her Mom is super organized and had the whole back yard set up and ready to go--a photographers dream complete with bubbles, rattles, an  awesome wicker chair and perfect weathered-fence! 

 Layla was super easy to take pictures of since she is such a happy little baby!! 
More birthday pics to come soon of little Miss Layla!

Jaxon & Olivia

I photographed Olivia and Jackson last month--the pictures were Mother's Day presents for Grandma so I didn't want to post them to my blog before Mother's Day!!  Hint-Hint to all of you husbands out there--pictures of  the kids always make Mom's happy!!    Olivia and Jaxon are just adorable as you will be able to see from the pictures!!  Enjoy!!

I love how little ones squat like this!  This is exercise for us grown-ups!!

Such a handsome little man!