Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kelly } Maternity Portraits } Brevard County, Florida

I got a little reality check while photographing this sweet little mama to be!!  I kind of have it in my head that all pregnant woman are uncomfortable and therefore slightly miserable much like I was when I was pregnant!  And then I get to photograph Kelly who was constantly smiling and laughing and super sweet--even in the sweltering Florida heat and humidity!  She really never complained--not once.   I had a blast photographing Kelly and cannot wait to photograph baby Mya when she arrives!!  Kelly's family purchased a maternity and newborn portrait  package for her as a gift for her baby shower (awesome gift!) so you will be seeing baby Mya on the blog in a few short months!!

 More sessions will be posted soon!!  I am a little behind due to the start of the new school year at my preschool!!  More info about scheduling a session can be found at www.kerriminkphotography.com