Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Capps-Cockrell Clan :0)

I photographed Stella & Parker as well as their cousins yesterday!  Andrea and I have been friends for what seems like my whole life--I refuse to count how many years we have been friends because it will make me feel old!!  But it is always fun to photograph her kids.  I taught her nephew Isaac when he was in preschool--which is also making me feel old since he is taller than me--as are her 13 year old niece and nephew!  Oh well!!  Enjoy the pics!!

 I love these 2--such a cute little moment between brother and sister :0)
Isaac--all grown up--its a little ridiculous! 
 Oh--to be 13 again!  If only I could  have her long legs and be 13 again that would be even better! 
Love the hair and the shoes--such a cutie!!

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