Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Moving is Terrible!!

We sold our house in 30 days!!  Which is awesome except we weren't looking for a new place to buy because we never thought it would sell that quickly!!  So--much thanks to Shannon Lynch--who hooked us up with the most awesome short term rental ever!  I have been thinking of it has our "summer home"~ okay so I  know I will never have a "summer home" except for this summer!!  This awesome house comes with the most fabulous picture taking spot ever so I have been torturing the boys with lots of outdoor pics in the Florida heat! Although--at our "summer home" there is always a nice breeze!!  I'm hoping they will rent me the dock after we move!! 

 The only draw-back is this annoying (but beautiful) bird who likes to make noises like someone is killing it at 3 a.m.!!  I suppose it is a small price to pay for the awesome view!

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