Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baby Lachlan ~ Newborn Photography

Nothing makes me happier than sharing my newest little model with you!!  His mama, Virginia, and I have been friends since elementary school.  The Rhodes crew has always treated me like family--they even took me on family vacations which were always great road trips (okay--they weren't always great at the time--when you are 16 you don't really want to be travelling in a car with parents but great and forever lasting memories!).  So--if I wasn't grateful at the time--THANK YOU JAN and RUSS!!  Virginia and I have seen each other through good times and bad in a friendship that spans over 20 years (yikes--I am seriously getting old) and I am so excited to share this wonderful journey of motherhood with her!!!

Baby Lachlan was born (unwillingly and 1 week late!!) last Tuesday. He is such a sweet little man--so peaceful and happy & Virginia is already a wonderful mama!!  Hope you enjoy the pics of his sweet little face!!

Smiling for his photo shoot!

 Daddy's hand and Lachlan's tiny little fingers!

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