Monday, July 18, 2011

Little Miss Lia } Family Portraits } Melbourne, Florida

I had a blast with Lia and her family at the FIT Botanical Gardens in Melbourne, Florida!  What a fun family!!  Little Miss Lia is adorable and seriously smiled the entire session--not a forced, fake smile either--a perfect, happy, little smile even with the 95 degree weather!!  She should seriously go in to modeling!!  Her cousins also joined us at the end of the session for a few family shots--and as you will see--they are also adorable!  Enjoy!! 

Thanks to Tabitha for introducing me to the F.I.T. Botanical Gardens and the GORGEOUS covered bridge!
Also--I have a new website in progress so if you are visiting the website--please be patient!!
  Trying to update the website, take care of 2 babies and start a new school year---YIKES!!

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